Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

Profile of Accredited Program

College of Hospitality Management, Tourism Administration, and Gastronomy
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL)
Av. La Fontana 550
Lima 12 Peru

Degrees Awarded:

  • Bachelor in Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor in Tourism Administration

Program Student Profile

Academic Years:   2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020

  Undergraduate Enrollment – Major3 Years Ago2 Years Ago1 Year Ago
Number of Students682671602
Number of Graduates11128345
Student/Faculty Ratio228:131:139:1
Retention Rate % – Freshmen to Sophomore (for all Programs)86%82%77%
% Students employed in the hospitality industry or a related field within 90 days after graduation 73%80%40%
% Students continuing their education within 90 days after graduation 0%0%0%

Profile of Accredited Program

School of Hospitality and Tourism Administration
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Prolongación Primavera 2390
Lima 15023, Peru

Degrees Awarded:

  • Bachelor in Hospitality and Administration.
  • Bachelor of Tourism and Administration

Program Student Profile

Program Enrollment – Major3 Years
Ago 2019
2 Years
Ago 2020
1 Years Ago
Number of Students294279278
Number of Graduates121292
Student/Faculty Ratio2161814
Retention Rate % – Freshmen to Sophomore (for all Programs)77.%96.18%83%
% Students employed in the hospitality industry or a related field within 90 days after3100%62%89%
% Students continuing their education within 90 days after graduation 40%8%11%
Total Professional Placement and Continuing Education Rate5100%70%100%
  1. List All grads (Aug., Dec., & May) should be considered in the academic year. For example, Aug. 2020, Dec. 2020, and May 2021 would be used as data for the 2020-2021 academic year.
  2. Calculate by dividing total number of students in the major by total FTE (Full-time equivalent) major faculty
  3. Calculate by dividing the number of students employed in industry or related field by the total students graduating in the major for that year.
  4. Calculate by dividing the number of students continuing their education by the total students graduating in the major for that year.
  5. Sum number 3 and 4 above (should be equal to or less than 100 %)

Profile of Accredited Program

Program of Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Instituto San Ignacio de Loyola
Av. Salaverry 2625 San Isidro
Lima, Peru

Degrees Awarded:

  • Technical Bachelor in Hotel and Restaurant Services Administration
  • Technical Bachelor’s in Administration in Tourist Operations

While the Program provided a detailed action plan to address the deficiencies noted in the Team Report (i.e. Key Elements IV a, IV e, V a, V b, V c, and VII f),  the Program has opted not to start work on the action plan until August 2021 with a final completion date scheduled for October 2022.

The Program is asked to provide a response and the documentation addressing the issues as noted below. This response should be sent to the ACPHA offices by June 15, 2022 for review and action at the 2022 Summer Commission Meeting.  The following must be submitted by June 15, 2022:

  • A curriculum map depicting where all ACPHA required content areas are introduced, emphasized, and reinforced in the associate degree program. Additionally, course syllabi should be provided for areas that were deficient during the team’s review.
  • Course syllabi for all courses offered. Each course should include Course Learning Outcomes linked to Program Learning Outcomes.
  • A comprehensive assessment plan that includes:
    • Metrics that are appropriate for assessing student performance at the Program level rather than specific courses.
    • Established benchmarks used to evaluate student performance.
    • Direct and indirect measures for each Program Learning Outcome.
    • Formative and summative measures for each Program Learning Outcome.
    • Initial results for the newly implemented assessment plan.
    • A link to the Program’s updated landing page, which should include the Program’s:
      • Mission Statement
      • Program Learning Outcomes
      • Professional Placement Rate (as reported on ACPHA student profile)
      • Student Retention Data (as reported on ACPHA student profile)
        Additional links should include:
        • Faculty Profiles
        • Curricular Offerings
        • Academic Policies

Program Student Profile

Academic Years:   2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020

  Undergraduate Enrollment – Major3 Years Ago2 Years Ago1 Year Ago
Number of Students202316991393
Number of Graduates15715172
Student/Faculty Ratio17.43:126.96:121.43:1
Retention Rate % – Freshmen to Sophomore (for all Programs)85.25%86.15%86.3%
% Students employed in the hospitality industry or a related field within 90 days afterN/AN/AN/A
% Students continuing their education within 90 days after graduation N/AN/AN/A