Accreditation Process and Timeline

The Commission will review the ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PROGRAMS SEEKING ACCREDITED STATUS (US-Based or International) to determine that a program meets current requirements.

Program Accreditation Process and Timeline

The process of accreditation, from the filing of the Application through the preparation of the Self-Study, the On-Site Visit and the Commission review should take approximately twelve months. See the schedule below.

Submit Application, Application Fee and Letter of SupportRolling timeline (at least 3 months before submitting Self-Study)
Develop Self-Study and send to Commission OfficeFor a fall semester visit (September – December)
Self-Study is due July 1

For a spring semester visit (February – May)
Self-Study is due January 1
International Programs MAY request a Summer visitFor a summer semester visit (June – August)
Self-Study is due April 1
ACPHA identifies a visiting team for on-site visit and dates are scheduledAugust – September (for fall visits)
January – February (for spring visits)
Visit conducted and Site-Team Report filedSpring or Fall
Program response to Team Report submittedJune (if Spring Visit)
January (if Fall Visit)
Commission Action OccursSummer Meeting (July) or Winter Meeting (February)

This timeframe permit Programs to prepare for the On-Site Visit.