Students & Parents
Hospitality & Tourism is a varied degree program that encompasses several popular and in-demand careers.

Seeking Accreditation
Hospitality & Tourism is a varied degree program that encompasses several popular and in-demand careers.

Currently Accredited
Hospitality & Tourism is a varied degree program that encompasses several popular and in-demand careers.
About the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration
In the mid-1980s a group of hospitality educators began to believe in the value of accreditation to assure academic quality and better serve the needs of their students. They built growing support within the academic community and moved forward with making hospitality accreditation a reality.

“After discussions with our faculty and administrative team, we have determined that pursuing ACPHA reaccreditation for our Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management is aligned with our institution’s commitment to excellence in academic programming and student outcomes. We believe that ACPHA’s rigorous standards for quality and continuous improvement will greatly benefit our program and enhance our ability to provide a top-tier educational experience to our students. “
-Dr. John Jasinski, Provost, Missouri State University, August 2024